Altar Making: Opening the Door, Lifting the Veil



BOMBYX Center for Arts & Equity (130 Pine Street, Florence MA)


This 3 hour gathering (1:30 - 4:30pm) is a hands-on workshop where you will learn to build and use your own home altar. An altar can focus your spiritual practice by incorporating invitation, portal, encounter, veneration, hospitality, medicine, remembrance. In this workshop, we’ll create altars to call forth deeper stories that want and need to be told. These stories will unfold through a guided process of creating a vintage, found-object personal altar or shrine, making this time spiritual practice in contemplative reflection, prayer, play, and creative imagination.

You do NOT have to be “artsy” or “creative” in any way to find this time meaningful. This event is intended for adults.

All supplies to create altars are included! You are welcome to bring your own boxes, objects, and creative materials.

This event is sponsored by the Florence Congregational Church.