BIODANZA: la danza de la vida - weekly retreats Autumn/Winter 2023



Sun Studio @ the Arts and Industry Building (221 Pine Street, Suite 245, Florence, Northampton MA MA)

This is your invitation for a weekly retreat this season, a space to step out of all the doing and focus on the being, to show up just as you are and be nourished in warm, connected community. Our approach will be through Biodanza, a unique modality and way of being together. Come for two hours of restorative play, connection and rest! Emerge feeling more yourself and more resourced, carrying tools for bringing presence and play to your life and having practiced them.

Join us for as many of our circles this autumn and winter as you can, to harvest the full benefit of this gentle and powerful integrative system. If that's only for a single session, also wonderful! Come for the first one if possible on 9/27, to see whether this might serve you as a regular practice. Please register for class ahead of time, as each session is planned accordingly.


BIODANZA in Florence-Northampton, Autumn / Winter 2023

Build in time this season for a weekly retreat, two hours in each week where you’ll experience:

~ joy, ease, connection and relatedness

~ deep resourcing, renewed energy and fresh perspective

~ an essential community practice of PLAY, presence, enjoyment and rest that over time creates positive and sustained shifts in your physiology and quality of life


***Please register for class ahead of time, as each session is planned accordingly! Sign up now (by the day before class) to receive 10% off your single session or series pass***


Grownups of all ages (18+) welcome. Masks optional. No experience needed, just bring your curious heart, comfortable clothes for moving in, bare feet or indoor-only shoes and a water bottle.


Wednesdays 7:00–9:00 pm

September 27th – December 13th  

@ Sun Studio, the Arts & Industry Building

221 Pine Street, Suite 245, Florence


No class Nov 22nd – if there’s enough interest we can add this one in

(this will be free for those signed up for the term or monthly pass)


Fee structure for autumn / winter term 

$250 for full autumn / winter term (11 classes) – best option

$100 monthly paid at the beginning of the month (4 classes)

$30 for a single session

Register >>> through Venmo (@ClaraRSM) or PayPal (, and include your email address for class information and updates.

***Please register ahead for class. Register by the day before class for 10% off any of the above***



Questions? Want to join but need a different financial arrangement? Please reach out!


More about Biodanza

Discover new ways of moving through life; reconnect with your innate creativity, expand your capacity for play & being fully in the present moment; recalibrate your nervous system and heal your emotional and physical body while dancing. Biodanza is a powerful and gentle integrative system and international movement that promotes human development both personal and collective. Each session offers a series of accessible movement exercises paired with inspirational music from around the world, that build upon each other. Each is an invitation into vivencia, a vividly lived present moment, that opens up new experiences of ourselves, each other, and the world around us. Biodanza develops authentic expression and proposes dance in its widest sense, as movements full of meaning, a birthright available to all of us. When we bring ourselves to dance in relationship with our lives, with our specific gifts and challenges, these embodied, moving experiences have deep and lasting impact. This is a facilitated and well-held therapeutic and transformational group process that works progressively over time, with regular practice sustaining profound effects on our physiology and way of living.