Ciclismo Classico



BOMBYX Center for Arts & Equity (130 Pine St., Florence, MA 01062, Florence MA)

**5pm VIP Event**

**5:30 GA Doors**

**6pm - 8pm Screening**


After a few years hiatus, local mobile bicycle shop Speed and Sprocket Cycle Works is bringing the Ciclismo Classico Bike Travel Film Festival back to the Pioneer Valley! For those who've never attended, get ready for an entire evening of cycling inspiration that will make you want to quit your job (as if you need an excuse) and hit the open road. This year, the festival is moving from March to May, to coincide with Bay State Bike Month and to get you ready for the cycling season! We are also moving the venue to the amazing and newly opened Bombyx Center for Arts and Equity!


In addition to in-person, we'll be offering streaming tickets to allow you to watch from the comfort of your own couch this year!

For those who choose to attend in person, come early for our VIP tasting event, where we’ll have a selection of fine foods and beverages to pair with from Provisions in Northampton. In previous years, lots of attendees were disappointed that they didn't splurge when they saw the spread that was available - don't be one of those people this year!

Every attendee gets a free raffle ticket (additional tickets available for purchase!) for our amazing giveaway of goodies, with all proceeds from the evening going to MassBike and World Bicycle Relief.

This event is made possible thanks to the River Valley Co-op, Provisions, Pedal 2 Pints, The Murphys Realtors, Inc., and the Sugar Maple Trailside Inn.


We will be following current guidelines regarding masking, but all attendees are encouraged to mask for their own comfort.


For more information and updates on this year’s films, please visit