Mead Art Museum Spring Exhibitions Opening



Mead Art Museum (41 Quadrangle Drive, Amherst MA)

Following a curator talk by Marina Reyes Franco (Trópico es Político) from 5-6pm in Stirn Auditorium*, the Mead will celebrate four new exhibitions of contemporary art: Trópico es Político: Caribbean Art Under the Visitor Economy Regime; the Black Art Matters student art show; Like a Slow Walk with Trees: Alicia Grullón; and the second part of Boundless, curated by Heid E. Erdrich. Refreshments will be served. Free and open to all.
*Spanish interpretation available

Image credits for header collage (L-R):

Alicia Grullón. Still from A Worker dies and goes to heaven, 2023. Single channel video, 10 min. From Like a Slow Walk with Trees: Alicia Grullón.

Ricardo Cabret. Detail from Guión criptográfico (Ofuscación costera) [Cryptographic script (Coastal obfuscation)], 2022. From Trópico es Político.

Kaya Agari. Detail from Grafismo feminino - Menxú, 2021. Museum purchase with the Scott H. Nagle (Class of 1985) Fund for Contemporary Art Acquisitions. From Boundless.

Jacinta Smith '25. We Must Protect ALL the Rights of ALL Women including our right to LIVE and right to CHOICE, 2023. Acrylic on canvas. From Black Art Matters.