Mystical Moments Concert by Da Camera Singers



Grace Episcopal Church (14 Boltwood Ave, Amherst, MA 10025, Amherst MA)

**Mystical Moments**, a choral concert by Da Camera Singers, conducted by Sheila Heffernon, will take place on Friday December 16 at 7:30 pm and Grace Church, Amherst.  The concert will explore works from the Middle Ages to the present. Selections will cover the Christian, Islamic and Judaic traditions,  including composers Hildegard Von Bingen, Dufay, Josquin,, Rossi, Taverner and Part.  Highlights are the well known Byrd *Ave Verum Corpus*, Taverner’s *Song for Athene*- an anthem that was sung at the funeral of Princess Diana—and *Zikr*, a piece based on Islamic chants, by composer Rahman.