Starlight’s Youth Theatre performs Beauty & the Beast Jr., a Disney Musical



Amherst Middle School auditorium (170 Chestnut Street, Amherst, MA 01002, Amherst MA)

Beauty & the Beast Jr will be the summer performance of the Starlight’s Youth Theatre 2022-23 season. Over 50 students will come together for one week to put up the classic ‘tale as old as time’. The performance will be held Saturday August 5th at 11am at the Amherst Middle School auditorium, 170 Chestnut St. Amherst, MA. Tickets are $5 available at the door.

“We have seen so many families make the effort to get their kids back involved fully in the arts this past year and they are amazing.” said Starlight director Cynthia Strycharz. “We feel fortunate to have the support of our families and community with generous donations this past year.” said Starlight board president Pam Plumer.  Starlight saw a large increase in participation following the pandemic and the program continues to grow. 

While the summer program is booked, the Fall class list has something for everyone. Starting with grades 1 - 4 the offering is “Finding Nemo” a musical. “We have found the younger students benefit from the musical theater experience as they begin their journey in finding the stage and building confidence and friendships.” says Cynthia Strycharz. Students in grades 5 & 6 will work on creating their own story “The Adventures of Dory”. Through improvisational scenes the class will use their imagination to form a storyline that they will develop into their show.  Grades 7 & 8 Scene It! class will work on scenes from their favorite shows and learn lighting design, stage managing, props and sound.  The high school age teens will tackle  “Twelfth Night”. The Shakespeare play explores the power of desire to override conventions of class, religion, and gender, and the nature of love and deception. 

“It has been an amazing past year for Starlight with so many new students finding us and so much creativity and growth” said Pam Plumer, board President of the not-for-profit youth theatre group. Students thrive under the guidance of our Director, Cyn Strycharz, who makes sure every student who walks through our door finds a home and belongs. By engaging the older teens as mentors, she continues to build a resilient and empowering space that awakens students' creative side as well as their powers of empathy and social responsibility. Starlight prioritizes the development of the child, using theatre as the tool to build self-esteem, communication and confidence.

Starlight Youth Theatre classes begin September 9th and space is limited. Online registration  Next year's spring musical performances will be “Lion King Jr.” for grades 1-6 and “Fiddler on the Roof” grades 7-12. Registration will begin in October  and auditions will be in December. Questions can be sent to or call 413-531-4235