The Harlot Queens, Does A Bawdy Good



CitySpace (Main St, Easthampton MA)

The Harlot Queens, will be hosting a concert and EP release party for Does A Bawdy Good in CitySpace's Blue Room.

The Harlot Queens, a local adult-themed comedic musical act, is composed of several trained Renaissance Faire performers playing colorful characters with nefarious backstories. Hear them sing about their failed romances, criminal enterprises, and sometimes even about their sweet longing for home. Although often performing in rowdy pubs, the Harlot Queens also offer family friendly shows filled with traditional English/Irish/Scottish music, parodies, and nerd-core favorites.

Tickets are $5 - $10.


This event is a CitySpace Pay It Forward Project funded in part by ValleyCreates of the Community Foundation of Western MA, Florence Bank, Overlook Industries, Inc., Mass Cultural Council, and by individual donors like you.