Zea Mays Printmaking 2023 Print Exhibition and Sale



The Sanford Gallery @ Zea Mays Printmaking (320 Riverside Drive, Florence MA)

Florence-based printmaking studio and art gallery Zea Mays Printmaking will wrap up 2023 with a two-and-a-half month rotating print exhibition and sales event. Over 200 prints from 51 different artists will be displayed at the Zea Mays Printmaking Sanford Gallery and available for sale, both in-person and online.

The 2023 Print Exhibition and Sale will run from October 18 to December 31, 2023. All prints will be priced at $175, plus tax and shipping, and all prints are sized 11” x 15,” unframed. Prints will be displayed on the walls of the Sanford Gallery on a rotating basis, while those prints not currently being hung will be arranged in bins for easy perusal by interested art collectors. All prints will also be available for purchase through the Zea Mays Printmaking website, www.zeamaysprintmaking.com.

The event is intended to celebrate Zea Mays Printmaking’s member artists and their work. Techniques such as monotype, etching, photopolymer intaglio, woodcut, screen printing and collage are represented in the collection. Zea Mays Printmaking members who have contributed work include Joyce Silverstone, Nancy Diessner, Angela Zammarelli and Liz Chalfin. Many of the works in the collection reflect Zea Mays Printmaking’s dedication to sustainability and safer printmaking practices, both in subject matter and means of creation.

Those interested in viewing the exhibition and purchasing prints in-person can visit the Sanford Gallery at Zea Mays Printmaking, 320 Riverside Drive, Florence, MA. Gallery hours are Tuesday-Sunday, 11 AM-5 PM.